Tuesday, January 06, 2009


A quote from Jane Brocket's Gentle Art of Domesticity:
"Although I love the rush of enthusiasm at the beginning of something new, there is a lot to be said for gentle routine. It's a little like getting back to normal after the highs of the holidays. You know the routine has to be followed or nothing will be accomplished, and so, gradually, you begin to enjoy the regularity of cables, the movement up and down the needles with simple stockingette stitch, the simplicity of line after line of running stitch when quilting, the measuring and cutting of fabric pieces for patchwork" (110).
Yes ma'am, while my quilting experiences are still in the future, [note to self: must talk to Brent to see when we can budget in buying me a sewing machine] this statement is certainly true for me. I love the routine of getting up at the same time every morning, doing yoga, eating breakfast while doing devotions, a few household chores and then sitting down to my computer for the day's work. The rhythm of knitting. Making lists and crossing things off. (I've even been known to write things down on my list that I've already done simply so that I can cross them off). The fact that being married means always having a date. Even if the date is only a trip to the grocery store to pick up lettuce for supper. That I can count on CBC Radio to be there for a little happy morning music. The downside of my love of routine, regularity and rhythm is that I get REALLY grumpy at anyone/anything that upsets my pre-planned system, as poor Brent can attest to...


Jo said...

If you have some small projects you could borrow our sewing machine (until you get your own) as we almost never use it (to be accurate, I used it once since we got it a year or two ago as a hand-me-down).

大腸麵線Cherry said...
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排骨酥May said...
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