Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Once Old, Made New Again

There's a sign as you drive towards Radium on Highway 93 that reads "And the mountains shall bring peace to the people." I've always loved that sign, because I've always felt that to be true, the mountains do bring me a sense of peace, because they are a reminder to me of God's awesome (as in filled-with-awe) power and His role as creator of all things beautiful and wonderful (as in filled-with-wonder). Two nights ago Brent and I went for a long walk up Nose Hill in the evening sunshine. It was our first walk up there since last fall. Every spring I am caught in surprise as I realize how beautiful Nose Hill is. A giant rise sticking out from amidst busy and often mindless suburbia. Nose Hill is caught between nature and culture, with native prairie grasses and other flora as well as all kinds of traces of the glaciers that once covered the area, but also with concrete foundations, paved paths, garbage and other signs of the visits of people and domesticated dogs. But it is so peaceful. Up high on the hills you can almost forget you are in the city, with the wind whistling in your ears and the grass waving and the smell of wet spring. Just as much as the mountains, it brought to me a sense of peace and joy. I thank God for His creativity and imagination in creating this world we live in. I am thankful for the opportunity to be caught surprised by the good and beauty in our world. I hope this never ceases as long as I live.


Peter and Lorraine said...

I hope too you have this gift of surprise all your life! It is something special to hold on to! Better yet to pray for!

Peter and Lorraine said...

Thanks for sharing your Prairie Spring with us Friday on Nose Hill!

Cherie said...

Such a beautiful place...thanks for sharing this post.