Monday, April 25, 2011


The Easter weekend--the Triduum--Pascha--has come and gone in a flash, much like Christmas usually does. In some ways I feel like it went too fast; that I missed it.

But at the same time Christ's sacrifice became meaningful to me in a way I'd never felt before.
B and I also had some really good discussions on what kind of Easter traditions we want to establish for our family.
And, even though we didn't actually observe or celebrate exactly my ideal, we at least noticed the Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday

Each of these days are significant and integral to the Paschal celebration. My devotional book talks about ways to observe each day, and in future years I hope to do more. We succeeded in going to a Good Friday service, spending some quiet time thinking and talking about the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, dyeing eggs, eating Hot Cross buns, going to an Easter Sunday service, celebrating with family.

In the future, I'd like to do something for Maundy Thursday, to celebrate Passover like Christ did at the Last Supper and to note this final time Jesus had with his followers prior to his arrest. My sister-in-law's church did a Passover meal with specific liturgy and verses to explore this event. I'd like to participate in something like that.

I'd like to make hot cross buns on Holy Saturday.

I'd like to observe the sunrise on Easter morning...either at a church service or by myself. Last year we participated in a sunrise service on the top of Nose Hill. It was cold and beautiful and meaningful, especially listening to the voices and instruments of people throughout the hills, celebrating Christ's resurrection just as we were.

The biggest thing I took away from this Paschal season is the assurance that while there is much I don't understand about the Christian faith, I choose wholeheartedly to believe in the resurrection of Christ.

Alleluia! He is risen!
He is risen indeed.

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