Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Advent Calendars

Growing up, we always had chocolate advent calendars, which I loved. Not so much for the chocolate behind the door (I usually fed mine to my dad) but for the excitement of opening the doors and counting off the days. Today, while reading Little Red Caboose, whose blog I read regularly and become more and more inspired by the Waldorf style of teaching, I came across a link to this blog, who Brent and I were both inspired by and who is now going on my regular-read list. I am particularly in love with this advent calendar, which apparently used to sell as a kit, but doesn't any longer. Once I buy my sewing machine and get better, I am definitely making these. I AM going to get better at indulging my crafty side. Knitting, crocheting, sewing...I want to do it all!

1 comment:

Ella said...

that Grace. She is so very inspiring. happy that you've found her.