Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Please Sir, May I Have Some More?

What, you want more?! ... She wants more snow!!! That girl will surely be hanged. [Adaptation from Oliver Twist.] This morning we shoveled for the fourth time in a week. I think Calgary has gotten more snow in the past week and a half than we had in ALL of last winter. But that's ok by me. We went for a walk the other night and made snow angels in a park down the road. I waved at them when we went for another walk last night. But they're probably buried now...we'll have to make new ones. Last night I wrote some Christmas cards, including one to our postman. I wrote in the card that we appreciated the faithful service--even when our sidewalks were buried in snow. So this morning when I put it in the box, Brent shoveled the walk out so he has no reason to grumble about us. We waved at our southward neighbour who is always quick to get out and shovel--usually before us. She shoveled her walk and two to the right, and we shoveled our walk and two to the left. So that almost takes care of the whole block! For I read in my devotions this morning "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." (Hebrews 13:16). Too easy...shoveling snow is actually quite fun. And I get to wear my awesome Tough Duck insulated coveralls. I'm invincible in all cold and snowy weather in those! So happy snowy wintery day number I'm-not-sure-I've-lost-count! (I do know, because Brent's crossing days out on the calendar, that there are EIGHT days til Christmas.)

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